--- home for tuberous drosera


Drosera microphylla

The taxa grouped as Drosera microphylla were recently split into three separate species by Allen Lowrie. The complex now consists of D. calycina (the previous D. microphylla var. macropetala), D. esperensis (a white flowered form found near Esperance) and D. microphylla (the original type form).
D. microphylla is an erect growing species reaching 15 to 30 cm in height. The plants are usually green to light bronze in colour. This species produces bracts at the lower part of the stem. The leaves are scattered solitary along the glabrous stem. In contrast, D. calycina sometimes forms leaves in groups of 2 to 3 along the higher part of the stem.
The most striking difference are the remarkable flowers in this complex. The sepals are spaced between the petals a unique manner. D. microphylla has orange petals, the filaments are white to mauve, anthers and pollen orange, the styles are maroon. The tubers are red and have a smooth surface whereas D. calycina tubers are covered with numerous wart-like structures.

The flower is unique in the genus and therefore makes it easy to identify this species.


Tubers with emerging stolons- please note the smooth tuber surface.




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