--- home for tuberous drosera


Drosera purpurascens

Drosera purpurascens (previously named Drosera stolonifera ssp. compacta) is a compact species with either one erect or 2-5 semi-erect stems mostly about 3 cm long but which can reach up to 10 cm in length. The stems and the inflorescence arise from the centre of a small basal rosette. The leaves on the stem are arranged in whorls and are reddish and the colour may intensify during the course of the growing season. The tuber is red. The stolon arises from the tuber vertically, but then bends vertically prior to breaking through the substrate surface. This habit is shared with D. stolonifera and to some extent with D. humilis.

This species shows mass flowering after bush fires.
The compact growth habit differentiates this species from all other species in the complex.

You can find a full description of this species here: (the download may be slow): Lowrie, A taxonomic revision of Drosera section Stolonifera (Droseraceae) from south-west Western Australia, Nuytsia 15(3): 355–393 (2005); (file size 3.9 MB)


emerging plant





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